Moving the chains
It's been a busy little while with people coming to visit for my birthday so I haven't spent as much time on my projects as I would like. So I've been slowly moving them forward. So far I've received back 3 of 4 approvals from the ATF, the 4th actually was rejected because I didn't have the entire serial number on the form. Apparently serial numbers can have spaces so I missed the first few characters. Based on current timing, I'd expect that to come back in a week.
I also finally got around to filing for a concealed/open carry permit. One of those things I talked about literally years ago, but never actually did. I'd been talking about it so long, J was actually surprised I'd never done it. It just seemed more important now that I have a midget to protect, and I even drug the wife to apply with me. Amazingly, my app and background check cleared within 48 hours of subimitting all the documents so I expect to get my license back in a week too!
The AR9 is still having cycling issues, and I'm working through it. I finally got it to dry fire, but one round at the range...again...and the trigger blocked. Sigh. I just wish I could tune the spring AT the range as it gets expensive to keep taking it back and forth. I did take the sidearm I plan on concealing with so I got some practice with that, BUT since I was shooting at 25 yards for the sake of the ar9, it was really just shooting mechanics practice. Well that, and I have maybe 100 rounds through it so I guess it's still breaking in too.
The ar10 is effectively done. I'm still too scared to take it out to 200, but that's coming. I just need to choose an ammo and stick to it. Which, honestly, won't last long as I'm slowly acquiring equipment to hand load.
The wife bought me several guitar lessons for my birthday so I have to start with that too.
Cryptos are up a bit, but I still have 1 of my miners turned off. If ethereum clears $400 (currently $140) maybe I'll turn it back on.
I also finally got around to filing for a concealed/open carry permit. One of those things I talked about literally years ago, but never actually did. I'd been talking about it so long, J was actually surprised I'd never done it. It just seemed more important now that I have a midget to protect, and I even drug the wife to apply with me. Amazingly, my app and background check cleared within 48 hours of subimitting all the documents so I expect to get my license back in a week too!
The AR9 is still having cycling issues, and I'm working through it. I finally got it to dry fire, but one round at the range...again...and the trigger blocked. Sigh. I just wish I could tune the spring AT the range as it gets expensive to keep taking it back and forth. I did take the sidearm I plan on concealing with so I got some practice with that, BUT since I was shooting at 25 yards for the sake of the ar9, it was really just shooting mechanics practice. Well that, and I have maybe 100 rounds through it so I guess it's still breaking in too.
The ar10 is effectively done. I'm still too scared to take it out to 200, but that's coming. I just need to choose an ammo and stick to it. Which, honestly, won't last long as I'm slowly acquiring equipment to hand load.
The wife bought me several guitar lessons for my birthday so I have to start with that too.
Cryptos are up a bit, but I still have 1 of my miners turned off. If ethereum clears $400 (currently $140) maybe I'll turn it back on.
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