Guy on a busalo

I've been ignoring this blog for a minute because of the last few week's craziness, but the upside is that there's stuff to actually say.


I've attempt the coyote swap on the Cobra.  The 3 issues have always been
  1.  Sound
  2. Cruise
  3. Emissions
I've heard enough sound clips of coyote swapped foxes at this point that I'm kinda convinced I won't lose my 4v burble.  As to the cruise and emissions...well...I might be able to fix the cruise.  And as for the emissions: fuck it.  I'm putting a FAR more efficient engine in, it will have cats so the state of Texas can get fucked on their non-emissions emisssions test.  If they'd actually put the sniffer to it, it'd pass.  But nnnnoooooo they just want to plug into the computer.


Despite the job change, I was able to keep my guitar instructor, but we've moved to a new location.  It's a little inconvenient, but it'll do.  I'll definitely not get the practice time I want anymore, but it'll be ok.


The garage setup is coming along.  I have a bar and bumpers now, and we've actually begun to assemble one box.  I talked to my oly coach about the fact that I won't make Tuesday nights anymore.  He wants me to do some kind of press, some kind of squat, and some kind of row every tuesday night instead.  I can handle that.


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