Boo podcasts

So I listened to my normal contigent of podcasts this week, and not a single awesome track was heard that week.  It's probably the first week in a while that that has happened.  Oh well, I guess it gives me time to familiarize myself with some of the stuff I already bought.  Also, I still have, like, 100 tracks in my list to sort through. Plllusss...Mat Zo tonight!  Last week I went to see Maor Levi, Audien, and Morgan Page.  Morgan Page was the headliner, but I thought Audien was more fun.  Anyway, it's nice to have big names come through so frequently for inspiration.  The nice thing is: last week was a friday night.  I left halfway through Morgan's set cuz I was just beat from work.  This week: saturday.  I can throw in a nap, and rock face through the whole show.

Also, been thinking  a lot about gear.  My tops suck.  I mean...they're fine for the price, but if I have to do a larger gig than about 200 people I will smoke them.  So I've been looking at new tops and subs.  Not sure what I'm going to do there.  I was dead set on getting the matching sub for my tops,'s also kinda meh, AND it ways close to 100 lbs. Imma have to lug that bitch up 2 flights of stairs at the very first gig!  So now I'm looking at smaller, more expensive, lighter, but possibly louder subs.  We'll see.


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