Still on the diet. No results on the scale yet, although I'm convinced the scales at my gym are in general disrepair. My morning backpain is starting to subside which is generally the first sign I'm getting the weight under control.
week of 1/19/2009
This is 10 rep week. Exercises: Incline dumbbell press: 60 lbs dumbbell curl: 25 lbs seated row: 150 lbs bench press: 125 lbs assisted dips: 120 lbs (less weight requires more effort) assisted pullups: 165 lbs (less weight requires more effort) decline bench press: 125 lbs lateral raises: 15 lbs tricep pulldowns: 50 lbs overhand ez-bar curls: 40 lbs ab work squats: 155 lbs deadlift:115 lbs leg curls: 165 lbs leg extensions: 80 lbs seated calf raises: 17 reps@115 lbs ab work Measurements: arm: 14 chest: 42.5 gut: 42.1 waist: 38.5 thigh: 23.5 BF%: 23.5 weight: 223.5 (I'm starting to think my scale is retarded
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