Moving the chains
It's been a busy little while with people coming to visit for my birthday so I haven't spent as much time on my projects as I would like. So I've been slowly moving them forward. So far I've received back 3 of 4 approvals from the ATF, the 4th actually was rejected because I didn't have the entire serial number on the form. Apparently serial numbers can have spaces so I missed the first few characters. Based on current timing, I'd expect that to come back in a week. I also finally got around to filing for a concealed/open carry permit. One of those things I talked about literally years ago, but never actually did. I'd been talking about it so long, J was actually surprised I'd never done it. It just seemed more important now that I have a midget to protect, and I even drug the wife to apply with me. Amazingly, my app and background check cleared within 48 hours of subimitting all the documents so I expect to get my license back in a week...