Guitar ramblings
I've been playing guitar again consistently for about 6 months now. And by consistently I mean...not consistently. I left citi to have more time for things like guitar lessons, which I've managed to accomplish and stick with, but outside the lessons my practice is a lot less consistent.
What I have done, in typical Blake fashion, is buy the FUCK out of gear. I think I'm sitting at a dozen guitars right now with one more to arrive in late January. Initially I was of the mind (go figure) that guitars are like Pokemon: gotta catch 'em all. However, now I'm not so sure. I'm starting to figure out exactly how I want a guitar to feel in my hands, and what it needs to sound like. To that end, I'm really grooving on this PRS SE Custom 24 I've recently acquired. I think it hits a sweet spot of tone, weight, and feel. It's crazy because I have MUCH more expensive guitars, and this is the one I'm spending the most time with because it just feels great. I think when I finally get my finances straight, I'm going to buy the nice american-made version of this exact guitar, and that will be my "A" guitar.
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