
Showing posts from February, 2020

Metcon Tuesday #4 - 2/11/20

This post is 2 days late because I forgot to write it.  Been busy in the mornings with other crap.  This metcon was just a 2 mile run with a vest.  It's the longest I've done so far, and I survived!  That's about all I can say about it.

Metcon Tuesday #3 - 02/04/2020

My olympic lifting coach doesn't want me doing waiters carries or farmers carries for the time being, so these workouts are going to get pretty simple.  Today's is" survive a 2 mile run with a plate carrier. Also going to do 4 sets of 3 snatch lift-offs @ 135 per my coach.  Good luck!

General life update

I figured I'd post a general life update as I sit here drinking my preworkout and watching hour 19 of Le Mans. Training: I'm drinking preworkout on a sunday morning because I've found a new olympic weightlifting coach, and I see him on saturday and sunday morning, and then he programs for me MWF.  I then program for myself some cardio on Tuesday.  I mentioned that in my previous blog, but figured I'd put that here for completeness. Competitive shooting:  dovetailing with my training because I want to start doing tactical games, I have been doing most of my cardio as runs with my plate carrier as that'll be something that shows up in the tactical games.  As far as the shooting goes...well...I've been to the range once, and it was BAD.  My pistol game needs lots of work.  I have a 3gun match this month which will give me some practice, but I need to get to the range too. I've ordered some rubberized grips that I hope will help me hold onto the damn pis...