
Showing posts from February, 2017

Life is change

After last weekends races, I've finally decided to give up on bikes.  I think, after 10 years, I can conclude that I've tried everything that's reasonable to try to improve my performance, and it's not working.  Whether there's something fundamentally wrong with the way I ride the bike (that paid professional help can't see) or my muscles just produce lactic acid under a static load at a much higher rate than other people doesn't really matter.  The end result is that it too hurts so fucking bad I can't practice effectively.  So...moving on. I'm going to sell all the bikes, all my equipment, but keep my leathers just in case I want to try again down the road.  I'll use some of the funds to get Dozer's lipoma removed, some to get a lifting platform setup in the garage, and some to do a T56 (really a TR6060 since no on sells the old T56 anymore which sucks because I don't need the extra torque handling and really don't want to pay for...


There's an old adage, practice makes perfect.  It just happens to be wrong.  PERFECT practice makes perfect.  I use the example that I could shoot 1000 sloppy free-throws a day, missing most, and the only thing I'd learn is how to shoot a sloppy (mostly missed) free-throw. This basically sums up my guitar practice.  Except it's not even 1000 sloppy free-throws, it's like 10.  So I sat down with my guitar teacher and actually discussed what practice should look like.  And looks nothing like butchering songs.  So hopefully that will prevent me from rage-quitting the small amount of practice I do get from here on,