More on crossfit scaling
I've previously shared some thoughts on crossfit scaling , and I want to revisit that a little bit because I missed something key about scaling that hit home this week. It's not only important to scale the weights so that you're finishing the workout in the correct time domain (i.e. if Fran is taking everyone else 5 minutes, and you're doing it wrong), it's important to scale the movements properly as well. All of the "hard" movements in crossfit (handstand pushups, pullups, muscleups, toes to bar, snatch) have several different ways to scale. Some of these ways are a progression towards the movement that allows you to build the required strength of that movement, and some just attempt to turn that slot in the workout into another little cardio burnout. A workout I did this week highlighted the need to actually pay attention to which scale you choose for a movement depending on the selected time domain of the workout. I'll explain If y...