
Showing posts from October, 2014

Stuff...and stuff

Well, I don't have much to post today.  Did a short set or two, but didn't post them.  Still learning how to use the F1.  Apparently I continually put it into midi mode which was fucking up control of one of my track decks.  Now I understand what I was doing so hopefully the workflow will get easier. I did finally get a needle in for my turntable.  So that opens up a crate of new (old really) tracks for me to mix in.


Yes, I've been neglectful.  Both with this blog and musically.  I'm going to blame it on not eating starbucks on sunday mornings anymore.  That used to be when I'd reflect on my week in music, and write this.  While, I'm back and there's some interesting stuff going on! Firstly, I've added two new pieces of gear to my DJ rig.  I've added an audio-technica LP-1240  turntable so I can finally blow the dust off my old vinyl.  Just one, though.  I'm not going back, I like digital too much.  All the looping and hotcue'ing is what's fun for me.  To that end I've also added a traktor kontrol F1.  I haven't quite figured out how to integrate it effectively into my mixes, but it is a lot of fun.  All of this required some re-jiggering of my Dj workspace.  Which was fun in it's own right.  I found some pictures online of "ikea hackers" who had taken advantage of the ability to order everything from ikea piecemeal to mak...